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Bannink, A., van Lingen, H. J., Ellis, J. L., France, J., & Dijkstra, J. (2016). The contribution of mathematical modeling to understanding dynamic aspects of rumen metabolism. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7, 1820.
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Baranowski, P., Krzyszczak, J., Slawinski, C., Hoffmann, H., Kozyra, J., Nieróbca, A., et al. (2015). Multifractal analysis of meteorological time series to assess climate impacts. Clim. Res., 65, 39–52.
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Bojar, W., Knopik, L., Żarski, J., & Kuśmierek-Tomaszewska, R. (2016). Integrated assessment of crop productivity based on the food supply forecasting. Agricultural Economics – Czech, 61(11), 502–510.
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De Swaef, T., Bellocchi, G., Aper, J., Lootens, P., & Roldan-Ruiz, I. (2019). Use of identifiability analysis in designing phenotyping experiments for modelling forage production and quality. J. Experim. Bot., 70(9), 2587–2604.
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