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Ben Touhami, H., & Bellocchi, G. (2015). Bayesian calibration of the Pasture Simulation model (PaSim) to simulate European grasslands under water stress. Ecological Informatics, 30, 356–364.
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De Swaef, T., Bellocchi, G., Aper, J., Lootens, P., & Roldan-Ruiz, I. (2019). Use of identifiability analysis in designing phenotyping experiments for modelling forage production and quality. J. Experim. Bot., 70(9), 2587–2604.
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Eza, U., Shtiliyanova, A., Borras, D., Bellocchi, G., Carrère, P., & Martin, R. (2015). An open platform to assess vulnerabilities to climate change: An application to agricultural systems. Ecological Informatics, 30, 389–396.
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Gomara, I., Bellocchi, G., Martin, R., Rodriguez-Fonseca, B., & Ruiz-Ramos, M. (2020). Influence of climate variability on the potential forage production of a mown permanent grassland in the French Massif Central. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 280, 107768.
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Lardy, R., Bellocchi, G., & Martin, R. (2015). Vuln-Indices: Software to assess vulnerability to climate change. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 114, 53–57.
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