Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Baranowski, P.; Krzyszczak, J.; Hoffmann, H.; Sławiński, C. |
Multifractal properties of spatially aggregated meteorological data – a regional study |
2016 |
Baranowski, P.; Krzyszczak, J.; Slawinski, C.; Hoffmann, H.; Kozyra, J.; Nieróbca, A.; Siwek, K.; Gluza, A. |
Multifractal analysis of meteorological time series to assess climate impacts |
2015 |
Climate Research |
65 |
39-52 |
Constantin, J.; Bergez, J.-E.; Raynal, H.; Hoffmann, H.; Ewert, F. |
Impact of maize management variability modeled as decision rules on yield and Drainage at the regional scale |
2016 |
Coucheney, E.; Eckersten, H.; Jansson, P.E.; Ewert, F.; Gaiser, T.; Hoffmann, H.; Lewan, E. |
The role of spatial patterns of soil types for data aggregation effects in crop modelling |
2016 |
Ewert, F.; Hoffmann, H.; WP3 partners |
Scaling up crop models for large area application |
2015 |