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Nguyen, T.; Mula, L.; Cortignani, R.; Seddaiu, G.; Dono, G.; Virdis, S.; Pasqui, M.; Roggero, P.-P. Perceptions of present and future climate change impacts on water availability for agricultural systems in the western Mediterranean region 2016 Water 8 523 (18 pp) details   doi
Ferrise, R.; Toscano, P.; Pasqui, M.; Moriondo, M.; Primicerio, J.; Semenov, M.A.; Bindi, M. Monthly-to-seasonal predictions of durum wheat yield over the Mediterranean Basin 2015 Climate Research 65 7-21 details   doi
Pasqui, M. Evaluation of future diurnal variability and projected changes in extremes of precipitation and temperature and their impacts on crop production over regional case studies (e.g. Agroscenari case studies) 2015 FACCE MACSUR Reports 6 D-C4.3.3 details   url
Pasqui, M.; Quaresima, S.; Tomozeiu, R.; Dono, G.; Doro, L.; Cortignani, R.; Ledda, L.; Roggero, P.P. A comprehensive climate characterization of the Oristano (Sardinia) regional pilot case study 2014 details   url
Ferrise, R.; Moriondo, M.; Pasqui, M.; Primicerio, J.; Toscano, P.; Semenov, M.; Bindi, M. Within-season predictions of durum wheat yield over the Mediterranean Basin 2014 details   url
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