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Eyshi Rezaei, E., Webber, H., Gaiser, T., Naab, J., & Ewert, F. (2015). Heat stress in cereals: Mechanisms and modelling. European Journal of Agronomy, 64, 98–113.
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Gutierrez, L., Piras, F., & Roggero, P. P. (2015). A global vector autoregression model for the analysis of wheat export prices. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 97(5), 1494–1511.
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Kraus, D., Weller, S., Klatt, S., Haas, E., Wassmann, R., Kiese, R., et al. (2015). A new LandscapeDNDC biogeochemical module to predict CH4 and N2O emissions from lowland rice and upland cropping systems. Plant Soil, 386(1-2), 125–149.
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Lehtonen, H. (2015). Evaluating adaptation and the production development of Finnish agriculture in climate and global change. Agricultural and Food Science, 24(3), 219–234.
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Liu, X., Lehtonen, H., Purola, T., Pavlova, Y., Rötter, R., & Palosuo, T. (2016). Dynamic economic modelling of crop rotations with farm management practices under future pest pressure. Agricultural Systems, 144, 65–76.
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