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Lotze-Campen, H., von Witzke, H., Noleppa, S., & Schwarz, G. (2015). Science for food, climate protection and welfare: An economic analysis of plant breeding research in Germany. Agric. Syst., 136, 79–84.
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McKersie, B. (2015). Planning for food security in a changing climate. J. Experim. Bot., 66(12), 3435–3450.
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Palosuo, T., Rotter, R. P., Salo, T., Peltonen-Sainio, P., Tao, F., & Lehtonen, H. (2015). Effects of climate and historical adaptation measures on barley yield trends in Finland. Clim. Res., 65, 221–236.
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Van Oijen, M., & Höglind, M. (2016). Toward a Bayesian procedure for using process-based models in plant breeding, with application to ideotype design. Euphytica, 207(3), 627–643.
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