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Bai, H., & Tao, F. (2017). Sustainable intensification options to improve yield potential and ecoefficiency for rice-wheat rotation system in China. Field Crops Research, 211, 89–105.
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De Sanctis, G., Roggero, P. P., Seddaiu, G., Orsini, R., Porter, C. H., & Jones, J. W. (2012). Long-term no tillage increased soil organic carbon content of rain-fed cereal systems in a Mediterranean area. European Journal of Agronomy, 40, 18–27.
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Fan, F., Henriksen, C. B., & Porter, J. (2018). Relationship between stoichiometry and ecosystem services: A case study of it organic farming systems. Ecological Indicators, 85, 400–408.
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McKersie, B. (2015). Planning for food security in a changing climate. J. Experim. Bot., 66(12), 3435–3450.
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Moriondo, M., Ferrise, R., Trombi, G., Brilli, L., Dibari, C., & Bindi, M. (2015). Modelling olive trees and grapevines in a changing climate. Env. Model. Softw., 72, 387–401.
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