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Dáder, B., Gwynn-Jones, D., Moreno, A., Winters, A., & Fereres, A. (2014). Impact of UV-A radiation on the performance of aphids and whiteflies and on the leaf chemistry of their host plants. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B, 138, 307–316.
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De Pascale, S., Orsini, F., Caputo, R., Palermo, M. A., Barbieri, G., & Maggio, A. (2012). Seasonal and multiannual effects of salinisation on tomato yield and fruit quality. Functional Plant Biology, 39(8), 689–698.
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Fan, F., Henriksen, C. B., & Porter, J. (2018). Long-term effects of conversion to organic farming on ecosystem services – a model simulation case study and on-farm case study in Denmark. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 42(5), 504–529.
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Grosz, B., Dechow, R., Gebbert, S., Hoffmann, H., Zhao, G., Constantin, J., et al. (2017). The implication of input data aggregation on up-scaling soil organic carbon changes. Env. Model. Softw., 96, 361–377.
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Kollas, C., Kersebaum, K. C., Nendel, C., Manevski, K., Müller, C., Palosuo, T., et al. (2015). Crop rotation modelling—A European model intercomparison. European Journal of Agronomy, 70, 98–111.
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