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Allan, C., Nguyen, T. P. L., Seddaiu, G., Wilson, B., & Roggero, P. P. (2013). Integrating local knowledge with experimental research: case studies on managing cropping systems in Italy and Australia. Ital. J. Agron., 8(2), 15.
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Bellocchi, G., Rivington, M., Matthews, K., & Acutis, M. (2015). Deliberative processes for comprehensive evaluation of agroecological models. A review. Agron. Sust. Developm., 35(2), 589–605.
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Gutierrez, L., Piras, F., & Roggero, P. P. (2015). A global vector autoregression model for the analysis of wheat export prices. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 97(5), 1494–1511.
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Scholten, M. C. T. (2015). Research and innovation for a competitive and sustainable animal production sector in a climate changing Europe: linking up MACSUR with Animal Task Force. Advances in Animal Biosciences, 6(01), 1–2.
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