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Hoffmann, H., Zhao, G., van Bussel, L. G. J., Enders, A., Specka, X., Sosa, C., et al. (2015). Variability of effects of spatial climate data aggregation on regional yield simulation by crop models. Clim. Res., 65, 53–69.
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Nendel, C., Wieland, R., Mirschel, W., Specka, X., Guddat, C., & Kersebaum, K. C. (2013). Simulating regional winter wheat yields using input data of different spatial resolution. Field Crops Research, 145, 67–77.
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Zhao, G., Hoffmann, H., van Bussel, L. G. J., Enders, A., Specka, X., Sosa, C., et al. (2015). Effect of weather data aggregation on regional crop simulation for different crops, production conditions, and response variables. Clim. Res., 65, 141–157.
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Zhao, G., Siebert, S., Enders, A., Rezaei, E. E., Yan, C., & Ewert, F. (2015). Demand for multi-scale weather data for regional crop modeling. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 200, 156–171.
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