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Conradt, T.; Wechsung, F.; Bronstert, A. Three perceptions of the evapotranspiration landscape: comparing spatial patterns from a distributed hydrological model, remotely sensed surface temperatures, and sub-basin water balances 2013 Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 2947-2966 details   doi
Constantin, J.; Raynal, H.; Casellas, E.; Hoffman, H.; Bindi, M.; Doro, L.; Eckersten, H.; Gaiser, T.; Grosz, B.; Haas, E.; Kersebaum, K.-C.; Klatt, S.; Kuhnert, M.; Lewan, E.; Maharjan, G.R.; Moriondo, M.; Nendel, C.; Roggero, P.P.; Specka, X.; Trombi, G.; Villa, A.; Wang, E.; Weihermueller, L.; Yeluripati, J.; Zhao, Z.; Ewert, F.; Bergez, J.-E. Management and spatial resolution effects on yield and water balance at regional scale in crop models 2019 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 275 184-195 details   doi
Mansouri, M.; Dumont, B.; Leemans, V.; Destain, M.-F. Bayesian methods for predicting LAI and soil water content 2014 Precision Agriculture 15 184-201 details   doi
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