Perego, A., Giussani, A., Fumagalli, M., Sanna, M., Chiodini, M., Carozzi, M., et al. (2013). Crop rotation, fertilizer types and application timing affecting nitrogen leaching in nitrate vulnerable zones in Po Valley. Italian Journal of Agrometeorology, 3(2), 39–50.
Abstract: A critical analysis was performed to evaluate the potential risk of nitrate leaching towards groundwater in three Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZs) of the Lombardia plain by applying the ARMOSA crop simulation model over a 20 years period (1988-2007). Each studied area was characterized by (i) two representative soil types, (ii) a meteorological data set, (iii) four crop rotations according to the regional land use, (iv) organic N load, calculated on the basis of livestock density. We simulated 3 scenarios defined by different fertilization time and amount of mineral and organic fertilizers. The A scenario involved no limitation in organic N application, while under the B and C scenarios the N organic amount was 170 and 250 kg N ha(-1)y(-1), respectively. The C scenario was compliant with the requirement of the 2012 Italian derogation, allowing only the use of organic manure with an efficiency greater than 65%. The model results highlighted that nitrate leaching was significantly reduced passing from the A scenario to the B and C ones (p<0.01); on average nitrogen losses decreased by up to 53% from A to B and up to 75% from A to C.
Sanz-Cobena, A., Misselbrook, T. H., Hernaiz, P., & Vallejo, A. (2019). Impact of rainfall to the effectiveness of pig slurry shallow injection method for NH3 mitigation in a Mediterranean soil. Atm. Environ., 216, 116913.
Abstract: Ammonia emission from fertilized cropping systems is an important concern for stakeholders, particularly in regions with high livestock densities producing large amounts of manure. Application of pig slurries can result in very large losses of N through NH3 volatilization, thus decreasing the N use efficiency (NUE) of the applied manure. Shallow incorporation has been shown to significantly abate these losses. In this field study, we assessed the impact of contrasting weather conditions on the effectiveness of shallow injection to abate NH3 emissions from pig slurry application to a Mediterranean soil. As potential trade-offs of NH3 abatement, greenhouse gas emissions were also measured under conditions of high soil moisture. Compared with surface application of slurry, shallow injection effectively and significantly decreased NH3 losses independently of weather conditions, but reductions of NH3 emission were greater after heavy rainfall. In contrast, under these conditions, shallow injection triggered higher emissions of N2O and CH4. Our findings reinforce the idea that any single-pollutant abatement strategy needs to be designed and assessed in a regional context and considering potential trade-offs in the form of other pollutants.