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Christen, B., Kjeldsen, C., Dalgaard, T., & Martin-Ortega, J. (2015). Can fuzzy cognitive mapping help in agricultural policy design and communication? Land Use Policy, 45, 64–75.
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Cortignani, R., & Dono, G. (2015). Simulation of the impact of greening measures in an agricultural area of the southern Italy. Land Use Policy, 48, 525–533.
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Cortignani, R., & Dono, G. (2018). Agricultural policy and climate change: An integrated assessment of the impacts on an agricultural area of Southern Italy. Environ. Sci. Pol., 81, 26–35.
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Fan, F., Henriksen, C. B., & Porter, J. (2018). Long-term effects of conversion to organic farming on ecosystem services – a model simulation case study and on-farm case study in Denmark. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 42(5), 504–529.
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Lehtonen, H., Palosuo, T., Korhonen, P., & Liu, X. (2018). Higher Crop Yield Levels in the North Savo Region—Means and Challenges Indicated by Farmers and Their Close Stakeholders. Agriculture, 8(7), 93.
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