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Pulina, A., Lai, R., Salis, L., Seddaiu, G., Roggero, P. P., & Bellocchi, G. (2018). Modelling pasture production and soil temperature, water and carbon fluxes in Mediterranean grassland systems with the Pasture Simulation Model. Grass Forage Sci., 73(2), 272–283.
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Saetnan, E. R., & Kipling, R. P. (2016). Evaluating a European knowledge hub on climate change in agriculture: Are we building a better connected community. Scientometrics, 109(2), 1057–1074.
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Sándor, R., Barcza, Z., Acutis, M., Doro, L., Hidy, D., Köchy, M., et al. (2016). Multi-model simulation of soil temperature, soil water content and biomass in Euro-Mediterranean grasslands: Uncertainties and ensemble performance. European Journal of Agronomy, .
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