Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
Andreoli, V.; Cassardo, C.; Iacona, L.T.; Spanna, F. |
Description and Preliminary Simulations with the Italian Vineyard Integrated Numerical Model for Estimating Physiological Values (IVINE) |
2019 |
Agronomy |
9 |
Bassu, S.; Brisson, N.; Durand, J.-L.; Boote, K.; Lizaso, J.; Jones, J.W.; Rosenzweig, C.; Ruane, A.C.; Adam, M.; Baron, C.; Basso, B.; Biernath, C.; Boogaard, H.; Conijn, S.; Corbeels, M.; Deryng, D.; De Sanctis, G.; Gayler, S.; Grassini, P.; Hatfield, J.; Hoek, S.; Izaurralde, C.; Jongschaap, R.; Kemanian, A.R.; Kersebaum, K.C.; Kim, S.-H.; Kumar, N.S.; Makowski, D.; Müller, C.; Nendel, C.; Priesack, E.; Pravia, M.V.; Sau, F.; Shcherbak, I.; Tao, F.; Teixeira, E.; Timlin, D.; Waha, K. |
How do various maize crop models vary in their responses to climate change factors |
2014 |
Global Change Biology |
20 |
2301-2320 |
Bennetzen, E.H.; Smith, P.; Porter, J.R. |
Agricultural production and greenhouse gas emissions from world regions—The major trends over 40 years |
2016 |
Global Environmental Change |
37 |
43-55 |
Bennetzen, E.H.; Smith, P.; Porter, J.R. |
Decoupling of greenhouse gas emissions from global agricultural production: 1970-2050 |
2016 |
Global Change Biology |
22 |
763-781 |
Bindi, M.; Palosuo, T.; Trnka, M.; Semenov, M.A. |
Modelling climate change impacts on crop production for food security INTRODUCTION |
2015 |
Climate Research |
65 |
3-5 |