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Zhao, G.; Siebert, S.; Enders, A.; Rezaei, E.E.; Yan, C.; Ewert, F. Demand for multi-scale weather data for regional crop modeling 2015 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 200 156-171 details   doi
Wolf, J.; Ouattara, K.; Supit, I. Sowing rules for estimating rainfed yield potential of sorghum and maize in Burkina Faso 2015 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 214-215 208-218 details   doi
Watson, J.; Challinor, A. The relative importance of rainfall, temperature and yield data for a regional-scale crop model 2013 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 170 47-57 details   doi
van Bussel, L.G.J.; Ewert, F.; Zhao, G.; Hoffmann, H.; Enders, A.; Wallach, D.; Asseng, S.; Baigorria, G.A.; Basso, B.; Biernath, C.; Cammarano, D.; Chryssanthacopoulos, J.; Constantin, J.; Elliott, J.; Glotter, M.; Heinlein, F.; Kersebaum, K.-C.; Klein, C.; Nendel, C.; Priesack, E.; Raynal, H.; Romero, C.C.; Rötter, R.P.; Specka, X.; Tao, F. Spatial sampling of weather data for regional crop yield simulations 2016 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 220 101-115 details   doi
Toscano, P.; Genesio, L.; Crisci, A.; Vaccari, F.P.; Ferrari, E.; La Cava, P.; Porter, J.R.; Gioli, B. Empirical modelling of regional and national durum wheat quality 2015 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 204 67-78 details   doi
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