Lellei-Kovács, E., Barcza, Z., Hidy, D., Horváth, F., Ittzés, D., Ittzés, P., et al. (2014). Application of Biome-BGC MuSo in managed grassland ecosystems in the Euro-Mediteranean region. FACCE MACSUR Mid-term Scientific Conference, 3(S) Sassari, Italy.
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Van den Pol-van Dasselaar, A., Bellocchi, G., Hutchings, N., Olesen, J., & Saetnan, E. (2014). AnimalChange. FACCE MACSUR Mid-term Scientific Conference, 3(S) Sassari, Italy.
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Eza, U., Shtiliyanova, A., Borras, D., Bellocchi, G., Carrère, P., & Martin, R. (2015). An open platform to assess vulnerabilities to climate change: An application to agricultural systems. Ecological Informatics, 30, 389–396.
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Sanna, M., Bellocchi, G., Fumagalli, M., & Acutis, M. (2015). A new method for analysing the interrelationship between performance indicators with an application to agrometeorological models. Env. Model. Softw., 73, 286–304.
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