Leclère, D., & Havlík, P. (2016). Modelling heat stress on livestock: how can we reach long-term and global coverage (Vol. 8).
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Drastig et al. (2016). World food supply and water resources: an agricultural-hydrological perspective (AgroHyd) (Vol. 8).
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Hoveid, Ø. (2016). What are the risks of food price changes? A time series analysis (Vol. 9 C6 -).
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Sinabell, F. (2016). Yield potentials and yield gaps in soybean production in Austria – a biophysical and economic assessment (Vol. 9 C6 -).
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Schönhart, M. (2016). Uncertainties from Climate Change on Farms and Ecosystem Services of a Grassland Dominated Austrian Landscape (Vol. 9 C6 -).
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