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Dass, P., Müller, C., Brovkin, V., & Cramer, W. (2013). Can bioenergy cropping compensate high carbon emissions from large-scale deforestation of high latitudes. Earth System Dynamics, 4(2), 409–424.
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Francone, C., Cassardo, C., Richiardone, R., & Confalonieri, R. (2012). Sensitivity Analysis and Investigation of the Behaviour of the UTOPIA Land-Surface Process Model: A Case Study for Vineyards in Northern Italy. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 144(3), 419–430.
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Malone, R. W., Kersebaum, K. C., Kaspar, T. C., Ma, L., Jaynes, D. B., & Gillette, K. (2017). Winter rye as a cover crop reduces nitrate loss to subsurface drainage as simulated by HERMES. Agric. Water Manage., 184, 156–169.
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Holman, I. P., Brown, C., Carter, T. R., Harrison, P. A., & Rounsevell, M. (2019). Improving the representation of adaptation in climate change impact models. Reg. Environ. Change, 19(3), 711–721.
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