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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages
von Lampe, M.; Willenbockel, D.; Ahammad, H.; Blanc, E.; Cai, Y.; Calvin, K.; Fujimori, S.; Hasegawa, T.; Havlik, P.; Heyhoe, E.; Kyle, P.; Lotze-Campen, H.; Mason, d’C., Daniel; Nelson, G.C.; Sands, R.D.; Schmitz, C.; Tabeau, A.; Valin, H.; van der Mensbrugghe, D.; van Meijl, H. Why do global long-term scenarios for agriculture differ? An overview of the AgMIP Global Economic Model Intercomparison 2014 Agricultural Economics 45 3-3
Zhao, G.; Webber, H.; Hoffmann, H.; Wolf, J.; Siebert, S.; Ewert, F. The implication of irrigation in climate change impact assessment: a European-wide study 2015 Global Change Biology 21 4031-4048
Martre, P.; Wallach, D.; Asseng, S.; Ewert, F.; Jones, J.W.; Rötter, R.P.; Boote, K.J.; Ruane, A.C.; Thorburn, P.J.; Cammarano, D.; Hatfield, J.L.; Rosenzweig, C.; Aggarwal, P.K.; Angulo, C.; Basso, B.; Bertuzzi, P.; Biernath, C.; Brisson, N.; Challinor, A.J.; Doltra, J.; Gayler, S.; Goldberg, R.; Grant, R.F.; Heng, L.; Hooker, J.; Hunt, L.A.; Ingwersen, J.; Izaurralde, R.C.; Kersebaum, K.C.; Müller, C.; Kumar, S.N.; Nendel, C.; O’Leary, G.; Olesen, J.E.; Osborne, T.M.; Palosuo, T.; Priesack, E.; Ripoche, D.; Semenov, M.A.; Shcherbak, I.; Steduto, P.; Stöckle, C.O.; Stratonovitch, P.; Streck, T.; Supit, I.; Tao, F.; Travasso, M.; Waha, K.; White, J.W.; Wolf, J. Multimodel ensembles of wheat growth: many models are better than one 2015 Global Change Biology 21 911-925
Challinor, A.J.; Smith, M.S.; Thornton, P. Use of agro-climate ensembles for quantifying uncertainty and informing adaptation 2013 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 170 2-7
Bojar, W.; Knopik, L.; Żarski, J.; Kuśmierek-Tomaszewska, R. Integrated assessment of crop productivity based on the food supply forecasting 2016 Agricultural Economics – Czech 61 502-510