Nguyen, T. P. L., Seddaiu, G., & Roggero, P. P. (2019). Declarative or procedural knowledge? Knowledge for enhancing farmers’ mitigation and adaptation behaviour to climate change. Journal of Rural Studies, 67, 46–56.
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Dono, G., Cortignani, R., Doro, L., Giraldo, L., Ledda, L., Pasqui, M., et al. (2013). An integrated assessment of the impacts of changing climate variability on agricultural productivity and profitability in an irrigated Mediterranean catchment. Water Resource Manage., 27(10), 3607–3622.
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Lai, R., Arca, P., Lagomarsino, A., Cappai, C., Seddaiu, G., Demurtas, C. E., et al. (2017). Manure fertilization increases soil respiration and creates a negative carbon budget in a Mediterranean maize (Zea mays L.)-based cropping system. Catena, 151, 202–212.
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Lai, R., Arca, P., Lagomarsino, A., Cappai, C., Seddaiu, G., Demurtas, C. E., et al. (2017). Manure fertilization increases soil respiration and creates a negative carbon budget in a Mediterranean maize (Zea mays L.)-based cropping system. Catena, 151, 202–212.
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Nguyen, T. P. L., Seddaiu, G., Tidore, C., & Roggero, P. P. (2014). Adaptation to climate change of Italian agricultural systems: the analysis of explorative scenarios. FACCE MACSUR Mid-term Scientific Conference, 3(S) Sassari, Italy.
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