Lehtonen, H. S. (2013). Northern Europe case: Scenarios for northern Europe and first outcomes of adaptation analysis..
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Lazar, C. (2012). Modelling of crop growth and development as an instrument for analysis of orientations in agricultural research in the context of climate changes (context and opinions) In Romanian: Modelarea cresterii si dezvoltarii plantelor de cultura ca instrument de analiza a directiilor de cercetare agricola în contextul schimbarilor climatic)..
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Kuzniar, A., Kowalczyk, A., & Kostuch, M. (2013). Analysis of criteria for determination of less favored areas in the mountains..
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Lamorski, K., Pastuszka, T., Krzyszczak, J., Slawinski, C., & Witkowska-Walczak, B. (2013). Modelling soil water Dynamics Using the physical and soft-computing methods..
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Lamorski, K. (2013). Application of X-ray computational microtomography and modeling for estimation of the saturated water conductivity of the porous media..
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