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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Zhao, G.; Webber, H.; Hoffmann, H.; Wolf, J.; Siebert, S.; Ewert, F. The implication of irrigation in climate change impact assessment: a European-wide study 2015 Global Change Biology 21 4031-4048
Pirttioja, N.; Carter, T.R.; Fronzek, S.; Bindi, M.; Hoffmann, H.; Palosuo, T.; Ruiz-Ramos, M.; Tao, F.; Trnka, M.; Acutis, M.; Asseng, S.; Baranowski, P.; Basso, B.; Bodin, P.; Buis, S.; Cammarano, D.; Deligios, P.; Destain, M.F.; Dumont, B.; Ewert, F.; Ferrise, R.; François, L.; Gaiser, T.; Hlavinka, P.; Jacquemin, I.; Kersebaum, K.C.; Kollas, C.; Krzyszczak, J.; Lorite, I.J.; Minet, J.; Minguez, M.I.; Montesino-San Martin, M.; Moriondo, M.; Müller, C.; Nendel, C.; Öztürk, I.; Perego, A.; Rodríguez, A.; Ruane, A.C.; Ruget, F.; Sanna, M.; Semenov, M.A.; Slawinski, C.; Stratonovitch, P.; Supit, I.; Waha, K.; Wang, E.; Wu, L.; Zhao, Z.; Rötter, R.P. Temperature and precipitation effects on wheat yield across a European transect: a crop model ensemble analysis using impact response surfaces 2015 Climate Research 65 87-105
Himanen, S.J.; Ketoja, E.; Hakala, K.; Rötter, R.P.; Salo, T.; Kahiluoto, H. Cultivar diversity has great potential to increase yield for feed barley 2013 Agronomy for Sustainable Development 33 519-530
Wolf, J.; Ouattara, K.; Supit, I. Sowing rules for estimating rainfed yield potential of sorghum and maize in Burkina Faso 2015 Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 214-215 208-218
Faye, B.; Webber, H.; Naab, J.B.; MacCarthy, D.S.; Adam, M.; Ewert, F.; Lamers, J.P.A.; Schleussner, C.-F.; Ruane, A.; Gessner, U.; Hoogenboom, G.; Boote, K.; Shelia, V.; Saeed, F.; Wisser, D.; Hadir, S.; Laux, P.; Gaiser, T. Impacts of 1.5 versus 2.0 degrees C on cereal yields in the West African Sudan Savanna 2018 Environmental Research Letters 13 034014